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  • Доступно лише:
    6:30 pm - 11-15 років
    7:30 pm 7-10 років

I hereby authorize any images or recordings taken of the Participant and/or me, as applicable, and any work, art or performance of the Participant(“Work”), in relation to the Participant’s participation in MAKIVKA, to be used by the Organization for promotional, informational, publicity, and marketing purposes, and authorize the publication and/or display of said materials publicly, whether on a website, social media, television, in print or otherwise. I also consent to the release of the Participant’s name but only as it relates to the Participant’s participation in the Participant.

I hereby relinquish all rights, title, interest and royalties I and/or the Participant may have in any of the said images, recordings, and Work, and hereby release the Organization from any and all claims or demands for damages of any kind whatsoever arising from the Organization’s use of said materials. I understand that said materials may be used and may be reproduced by third parties and I agree that I will not hold the Organization responsible for any harm or damages that may arise as a result.
I acknowledge that in case of a snow storm the MAKIVKA will be cancelled for a day and I will receive a refund for that day

RegFox Event Registration Software